Putao Snowland Agarwood

We welcome visitors

Numbers for our coordinators:

Justina La Ja Hkawng in Putao:  (+95) 0947324818, alt: (+95) 09974717656 justina@snowland-agarwood.com

Monica Lu Mai in Putao: (+95) 09250791540/09960203689 monica@snowland-agarwood.com

Robert Walsh in Rangoon: (+95) 09450021231 robert.walsh@snsprojects.com

All domestic airlines in Myanmar fly to Putao, 1-3 flights per day from Rangoon or Mandalay. Lodging can be had, varying in quality from student hostel-type flophouse to not-too-bad trekking houses and hotels; $40-140/night

We're right here--------------->>